Diwali, Divali, Deepavali or Dipavali is the festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus,India are dedicated to Lakshmi to welcome her into their cleaned homes and bring prosperity and happiness for the coming year.

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Tuesday 3 September 2019

Happy Diwali 2019: The biggest Hindu festival


Happy Diwali 2019: The biggest Hindu festival

India is a country of festivals. Every year, every month, every week and even every alternate day some festival is celebrated in some part of this huge country,  by some community or the other. But none can beat Diwali with it's huge following throughout the country. Diwali is celebrated equally in the east, west,  north, south and central part of India. Diwali has assumed great importance in the whole world , bringing alive the concept of Global village.

Diwali as global festival

Since Indians are found in every nook and corner of the world Diwali celebrations 
can be found in every part of the world by not only the Indians but the locals as well.

Diwali: The festival of light

On the occasion of Diwali festival all the homes, offices, malls, parks, commercial 
establishments, clubs, restaurants, hotels, markets etc are lighted with decorative 
lights especially for Diwali celebrations. You can see the whole city lit up on the 
occasion of Diwali.

Diwali as shopping festival

Lots of gifts,  lights, New electrical items, blankets, clothes etc are specially
bought on Diwali. Big showrooms give decent discounts on shopping on Diwali day. 
It is believed that whatever item is purchased on Diwali gives good service and 
good for the house.

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