Diwali, Divali, Deepavali or Dipavali is the festival of lights, which is celebrated by Hindus,India are dedicated to Lakshmi to welcome her into their cleaned homes and bring prosperity and happiness for the coming year.

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Tuesday 3 September 2019

Happy Diwali 2019- The excitement grows


Happy Diwali 2019- The excitement grows

Happy Diwali 2019 is one the that festivals which is celebrated all over India and people worship all Goddess Luxmi. This is the official blog on Happy diwali, so if you are in need of any Happy Diwali related stuff, browsethe website completely. As we all know that Diwali is one festival which every body in India is waiting for with excitement. 
There are various reasons for this. Some of the reasons are as follows

Diwali is the premier Hindu festival which has lots of religious relevance. Lots of religious rituals, prayers to Mother Luxmi, the Godess of wealth, and other religious activities take place. This is really exciting.

Diwali season is one time of the year where all the companies especially companies dealing in durable consumer goods give special Diwali discounts to enhance the sales. Even the buyers are waiting for Diwali season to do shopping because firstly there are attractive schemes attached to shopping and secondly it is considered auspicious to shop in Diwali season especially the day Diwali falls. Thus the excitement and anticipation.

The employees in the companies, the staff in a business establishment and generally government and private employees expect handsome Diwali bonus to be announced in their. Also annual raise in the salary also takes place in the Diwali season. This makes the general atmosphere around very exciting.

People practicing black crafts like Tantra saadhna, etc especially wait for the moonless night of Diwali to master their craft and are very excited to wait for Diwali festival.

Diwali is particularly special festival for people of Ayodhya, where Lord Ram chose to visit earth starting from Ayodhya. Every body is excited to make sweets, burn crackers and exchange gifts.

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